From dream to reality.

There are different way to realize our dreams. It can be done via the not democratic way of elections. Via making your voice count in an organized way. Lastly we have of course the option of revolution. Anyway a transformation is unavoidable.

The first possibility. That is the one via elections and it is an hard one. The preparation has many obstacles that are difficult to overcome. The first few are still reasonable. That is creating the proper form of organization that legally can compete and register it. Than it just starts. You need lots of signatures. Enter a fee that is quite substantial. Fundraising is a must. But small parties are hardly not getting attention from the media. Surely not if you want to knock out the elite. In short a very hard story. But it can be tried. If the time is ripe anything is possible.

The second possibility. Making your voice count in an organized way. That one is easier to realize. You still have to promote and campaign to get lots of media attention or have some patience. But in the form of a petition there is a way, with a low tresshold, to show your for voice to the current power. You are still depending on their will to do something with it. But as a citizen you can make your point very clear. If the numbers are large enough there should be some lights turning on. It could result in a quiet change.

The third possibility is the one we call a revolution. It means a resistance because of discontent with the current situation. That could go in a peacefull way or a violent one. The last option is from a human perspective not the best one. But if the current powers want to play it the hard way and do not want to go away it is a real possibility. The peaceful option is possible if they do not play it hard or if the army is jumping in. Than violence has no real purpose.

Which possibility is going to happen where depends on the situation. Fact is that the current political power is now clearly beyond their reason of existance and a human alternative is the only solution. Speaking out what you are standing for is a strengthening of your soul. It is also the house of our existance. The time of a human civilization is about to emerge and you are part of it. Speak out and take your place.

Support the local actions en let know what you think. It is time for change.